回复 :经营小型成衣作坊的郑紫怡(李心洁 饰)一段时间以来备受奇怪梦境的困扰,她经常会梦到一片荒郊野地,梦中她直觉感到地下埋着尸体;此外还会梦见一部破损的红电话和登门调查的女警。紫怡四处寻找解决的办法,可是情况非但没有好转,反而愈演愈烈。前夫阿明(黄德斌 饰)的失踪,更让她怀疑自己在梦游时成为了凶手。另一方面,名叫碧淇(杨采妮 饰)的女子其儿子遭到绑架,虽支付赎金仍下落不明。她身为警察的表妹(霍思燕 饰)负责调查此事,却始终未有进展。阿明失踪的事件,将紫怡和女警联系在一起。她们的相遇揭开了紫怡充满悲伤与黑暗的往事,也将这一连串的失踪案件引向未知的方向……
回复 :电影由三个相互关联的小故事组成。国王(约翰·C·赖利 John C. Reilly 饰)最宠爱的除了蛮横娇纵的公主维奥拉(蓓蓓·卡芙 Bebe Cave 饰)外,就是他的宠物跳蚤了,让所有人都没有想到的是,小小的跳蚤,竟然长成了绵羊的大小。女王(萨尔玛·海耶克 Salma Hayek 饰)常年被不孕之病困扰,国王用自己的生命换来了海兽的心脏给女王吃,如此便可药到病除,哪知道不仅仅是女王怀孕了,为女王烹饪心脏的侍女也怀孕了,两人于同一时间生下了孩子。国王爱上了在城堡下面唱歌的女子,他并不知道的是,这位女子的真身其实是一位丑陋的老巫婆,而她还有这一个双生姐妹。国王邀请她们其中的一位同自己共度良宵,哪知道被卷入了一场动乱之中。
回复 :Vietnam responds to the witty and grandiose Indonesian thriller “The Raid” (2011) astoundingly, with a lethal extravaganza of martial arts, full-capacity tension and adrenaline on trucks, boats and bikes. This spectacularly choreographed total action dynamic thriller plunges into the darkest corners of vicious revenge in gorgeous locations.Luong Đình Dũng makes a 180-degree turn from his two previous films “Father and Son” and “Drowsy City”, to deliver a jaw-droppingly breath-taking spectacle of massive fistfights, vigorous chases, sword duels, sharp wounds, and twisty traps. Non-chronological sentimental flashbacks offer shocking, gripping and plausible motivations for frantic anger, savaged fury, extreme torture, and an unchained desire to kill.Humbly honest truck driver Hung learns that the depression and paranoia of his teenage daughter An was caused by recent kidnapping and molestation. Enraged, the loving father rides to take revenge on creepy psycho paedophile millionaire who is protected by his spoilt and merciless musician son, wretched stubborn henchmen and filthy slutty female bikers. These bastards deserve gritty elimination without 50/50 or #metoo penance, sentiments, guilt or pity. There is something amazing here to witness on the big screen, and expectations for an imminent sequel are high.Vietnam nominated the film for the Oscar for the Best International Film.