回复 :To the outside world Joanne is just a book-store owner, but the Conspiracy knows different. She's dangerous. She's a bellwether: a quiet leader who is well on her way to being her whole self. When they kidnap her to break her to make her conform, they discover that Joanne is something so much more than even she ever knew. Joanne is a feminist, one-room, one-character elevated genre thriller. It is a modern rite of passage story which most women have to go through to become a whole human being: How does one be oneself in the face of massive misogyny and hatred (both overt and institutionalized). It is also the world's first one-person film (a movie with only one on-screen character) that features a woman.
回复 :After new CIA recruit, Kelley Chandler (Polish) is seriously injured during a mission, surviving only on life support, his wife Tess (Agron), a former CIA operative, becomes determined to find out what happened to her husband. As the details of Kelley's last mission unravel, showing that his accident was an inside job, Tess puts everything on the line to keep Kelley out of harm's way, even if that comes with dangerous consequences.
回复 :上世纪四十年代的新加坡,无业青年梁广(吴建豪 饰)为生计所迫。在女友秀贞的帮助下,他在名为“广昌堂”的药油厂找到一份工作。奇怪的是,他的到来似乎在这里引起不小的恐慌。原来,阿广与药油厂失踪多年的三老板崔正广长相极其相似。偶然机会,阿广进入被封闭的阁楼。在这间屋子里他看到三少爷和一位美丽女子的照片,并从日记中获悉这二人间似乎曾有一段缱绻哀婉的恋情。未过多久,他遇到身着红衣、美艳绝伦的小芙蓉(李小璐 饰),她正是照片上的女子。小芙蓉称阿广正是她苦苦等待了十年的三少爷。由此开始,一切变得诡异非常,扑朔迷离……本片根据新加坡“鬼街”传说改编。