回复 :史塞巴是一个行内赫赫有名的资深辩护律师。一次事业上的打击使他顿悟,并断然辞去旧工作。机缘巧合下,他接到了罗省市长办公室的邀请,希望他接受一份工作,领导并组建罗省地检署重大案件专案组。他的团队,是一帮全无实战经验的新人。史塞巴唯有将自己的家作为培训基地,模拟最苛刻而难以预料的庭审现场,将多年庭上战术经验倾囊相授。这个专案组的目的只有一个,势要将只手遮天,人脉深广的罪犯绳之于法!Sebastian Stark just quit his old job of defense attorney after a shocking outcome in one of his cases and a personal epiphany, now looking for a job he receive a call from the LA city mayor office. When meeting the city mayor, he has an offer for a new job, director of the Los Angeles DA's high-profile crime unit, but with a twist, he would have to train a new team of inexperienced lawyers by using years of experiences, tactics and by practicing in Stark tribunal in his home. The only goal of this team is to put the bad guys in jail but during all this Stark past will be a problem we will learn why.
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回复 :20世纪30年代初,古老的华夏大地正面临着生死存亡的危机时刻。热河一带颇有名气的霍家少爷霍啸林一向浪荡不羁,他和保安司令赵金虎的儿子赵舒城是好朋友,并喜欢唱黄梅戏的女孩阿梅。谁知落花有意,流水无情,他和赵金虎争夺阿梅,饱读诗书的舒城则越来越不满父亲滥杀无辜的军阀行径。两家的矛盾最终爆发,霍家惨遭灭门,背负仇恨和伤痛的啸林侥幸逃脱,遁入江湖,他发誓一定要为家人报仇。学成一身武艺的啸林沦落黑道,成为名震汉口的一霸。与此同时,日本帝国主义露出险恶贪婪的面孔,无情爪牙撕破华夏大地的肌肤,血流满地。走过一大段弯路的啸林意识到人生所犯的错误,在命运的指引下,他将用血肉铸就一段爱国传奇……