Angela, supposedly reformed and living under an assumed surname, is working at a summer camp. However, when the campers start misbehaving, she soon reverts to her old ways.
Angela, supposedly reformed and living under an assumed surname, is working at a summer camp. However, when the campers start misbehaving, she soon reverts to her old ways.
回复 :A young working woman has to follow obscure advice by an old sage in order to prevent a worst-case scenario. A returning nightmare of a family home built by her deceased mother for the still-living father in the hereafter gives her and her fortune teller the necessary instructions. A loving, yet complex tale of the new Thai middle class. Houses are built, family members live in parallel worlds and the presence is a very Asian mix of the 19th and 21st Centuries.
回复 :智史(山田孝之饰)是Trash水生植物店的店长,生意清淡,几乎难以为继。某日,一个女孩子找上门来,不由分说便要求做店员,还就地住了下来。智史后来才知道女孩竟是超级模特森川铃音(長澤まさみ饰),迟钝的智史对铃音的出现和行为目的完全是一头雾水。“女孩子的行为都是有特定的含义的”,在铃音的反复暗示下,智史终于想起13年前的故事,他、花梨、佑司是形影不离的好伙伴,后来却失去了联系。时光荏苒,看到长大了的花梨成为铃音与自己重逢,智史又惊又喜。有一天,佑司(塚本高史饰)的消息也传来,他受伤住在医院里,智史和花梨一起去看望佑司后,花梨却对智史说自己要留下陪伴佑司不走了。独自返回的智史心情低落,郁郁寡欢,这时父亲(小日向文世饰)前来看望,告诉了他一个惊人的秘密……
回复 :柳氏经营的百年老店“同顺祥”,世代传承独有的冰晶糕制作工艺,父亲柳庭深(张国立 饰)却一直不肯将制作秘方传给儿子柳见三(韩庚 饰),父子之间产生误解和隔阂。见三气愤之下选择离开父亲外出拼搏,多年后,因父亲病重回家探望的见三,终于发现父亲隐藏多年的秘密原来和自己有关……