回复 :Former British Army Captain Ed Stafford was the first person ever to walk the length of the Amazon River, but surviving completely alone on a desert island is his biggest adventure yet. Can he last 60 days on an uninhabited Fijian island with absolutely nothing? No survival tools, no rations, no clothes, no film crew... It's a daunting challenge and nobody's ever done it before. In fierce tropical heat, he has only hours to find water before dehydration ends his attempt before it's begun. He must master the island - and his fears - to find food and water, light fire, build a proper shelter, and progress from mere survival to the point where he could stay forever. Filmed entirely by Ed himself, there's never been a more authentic survival series on TV
回复 :각자의 이유로 이별을 고민 중인 네 커플이 함께 여행을 떠난다. 오랫동안 잊고 지냈던 두근거림을 되찾기 위해, 2주 동안 서로 짝을 바꿔 데이트하게 된 이들. 과연 처음 원했던 두근거림을 되찾아서 돌아올 수 있을까? 만약 되찾았다면 그때 그 옆에 함께 있는 사람은 누구일까?因为各自的理由而考虑离别的四对情侣一起去旅游。为了找回忘记很久的心跳,2周时间互相交换约会的八人,究竟还能找回想要的第一次心动的感觉吗?如果找回的话,那时候在身旁的人会是谁呢?
回复 :每年夏天举办,对于立志成为偶像的少女们来说 被称为抓住梦想最大的登龙门的全国偶像选秀 「SELECTION PROJECT」 今年迎来了第七次试镜的少女们 大家都以华丽的出道,在国内外都很有人气。 在全国偶像选秀中 北海道、东北、北关东、南关东、关西、中部、中国、四国、九州、冲绳的 在全国9个地区预选赛中胜出的少女们,挑战本次选拔的身姿 通过纪实影像和LIVE发布来追逐。 然后决定少女们胜负的 仅限观看真实表演的用户投票。 接受众多投票,通过甄选 获得作为偶像出道的桂冠的到底是谁!? 以同一个梦想为目标的战友,同时也是对手的少女们的 青春热血的试镜战现在拉开了帷幕!