高桥一家三口住在一间简陋的小房子内。男主人吏一(西村晃 饰)在东北大学图书馆工作,国产与女事务员义子维持了五年的不伦之恋;高桥家的生活危机重重,国产死气沉沉。某日吏一出差外埠,强盗平冈(露口茂 饰)趁夜溜入房中,殴打并奸污了 吏一的妻子贞子。次日清晨,倍感受辱的贞子意欲自杀, 却割舍不掉对孩子的爱而最终放弃。数日后平冈再次前来,贞子突然发现自己怀有身孕。为了摆脱平冈的纠缠,她决定杀掉这个冤孽之人……本片荣获当年日本十佳电影第四名,并在《电影旬报》百部作品中位列第七名。
高桥一家三口住在一间简陋的小房子内。男主人吏一(西村晃 饰)在东北大学图书馆工作,国产与女事务员义子维持了五年的不伦之恋;高桥家的生活危机重重,国产死气沉沉。某日吏一出差外埠,强盗平冈(露口茂 饰)趁夜溜入房中,殴打并奸污了 吏一的妻子贞子。次日清晨,倍感受辱的贞子意欲自杀, 却割舍不掉对孩子的爱而最终放弃。数日后平冈再次前来,贞子突然发现自己怀有身孕。为了摆脱平冈的纠缠,她决定杀掉这个冤孽之人……本片荣获当年日本十佳电影第四名,并在《电影旬报》百部作品中位列第七名。
回复 :Bill Saunders, disturbed ex-soldier, kills a man in a postwar London pub brawl. Fleeing, he hides out in the apartment of lonely nurse Jane Wharton. Later, despite misgivings about his violent nature, Jane becomes involved with Bill, who resolves to reform. She gets him a job driving a medical supplies truck. But racketeer Harry Carter, who witnessed the killing, wants to use Bill's talents for crime.
回复 :Lucienne Delamare and Pierre Maury are having an affair. Lucienne's husband Paul is the mayor, and a French deputy. Pierre's wife Clotilde has been weak and sickly for years. Lucienne's husband holds no excitement for her, and he is always away in Paris on business. Pierre is now the vice-mayor, thanks to Paul. Lucienne and Pierre have a secret meeting spot by a lake along a country lane. Pierre's wife dies suddenly, by suicide the town gossips believe. Pierre confesses otherwise to Lucienne. Paul proposes a shady land deal which will "benefit the town", and wants Pierre's political support and collusion. Then Paul discovers proof of his wife's affair...
回复 :彭鹏、张阳和尤朵是丰饶中学的三名中学生,他们各自面临着家庭、兴趣、校园暴力和自卑等问题,在期中考试后,迎来了一场属于他们的积压已久的情绪爆发。 身处重组家庭的彭鹏,希望通过期末考试优异的成绩换取父亲彭大发的认同,答应他和妹妹彭乐去许久未见的母亲那里玩几天;热爱着音乐的张阳,亦想要以学年第一的进步,换取父母给予他更多的时间去练习吉他;而一直保持着学年第一的尤朵,想通过自己一直以来的努力,赚取母亲答应她买口红的请求。可就在他们等待期末考试成绩公布的两天时间里,原生家庭的苦楚一番接着一番向他们袭了来......