天天A drug addict awakens to find the girl he is with is dead, and must rush to escape the consequences. A real-time thriller presented in a single, unbroken take.
天天A drug addict awakens to find the girl he is with is dead, and must rush to escape the consequences. A real-time thriller presented in a single, unbroken take.
回复 :王晶卫(黄子华 饰)是个九十年代前卫的香港导演,但十分轻视六十年代的粤语片。没想到他穿越时空回到了六十年代,他被大导演楚原告知,只要能在六十年代里拍一部受欢迎的电影便能回去。王晶卫虽然十分无奈,也认识了还没有成名时的李奇(罗嘉良 饰)和谢源(吴镇宇 饰)这对难兄难弟。由于王晶卫的特殊身份,便带领两人一举成名。李奇与谢源的各自的女友宝珠(张可颐 饰)与芳芳(舒淇 饰)都移情别恋钟情于王晶卫,十分倾慕他的才华。李奇与谢源得知情况后,与王晶为断绝了来往。而王晶卫所拍的电影,完全没有人欣赏,到底他又能否回到属于自己的时空呢?
回复 :He is 30 and just got out of jail after 12 years of detention. She is almost 24 and has a simple life away from the city. One day, he comes to her and she let him stay with her. That's complicated when your older brother needs to get back to a normal life. Between tenderness and bursts of laughter, his anger is sometimes out of control. However, she wants to help him. As for him, he wants to meets with his sister again.
回复 :本片根据历史记载及民间传说的徐福东渡的故事为出发点,讲诉了民国时期的探险家寻找传说中蓬莱岛上的徐福宝藏,并为了保护中华宝藏,消灭日本特务的故事。本片通过设定主角陈启龙因为反感军阀混战而离开军队,成为探险家,每次所得佣金皆分给伤残军人这一设定,以及宁愿同归于尽,也不能让中华宝藏流落敌手的重要情节,塑造了大义凛然、充满正能量的中国探险家的形象。片中的日本特务吉冈,夺取中国的宝藏为侵略行动服务,侵略者的罪恶行径昭然若揭。军阀之女金娜为帮助父亲摆脱日本人控制,四处搜寻财宝,最后与吉冈同归于尽,这一悲剧性的结尾也揭露了军阀混战其实是列强的代理人战争的历史事实。