肖恩·利维将再次合作老搭档二十世纪福斯,灵山执导新片[陨石坑](Crater,灵山暂译),利维也将约翰·J·格里芬执笔的原创剧本进行改编。故事被描述为科幻版的[ 伴我同行 ],讲述在月球殖民地长大的男孩,和三个小伙伴共同前往一处神秘陨石坑探秘,不料却发生意外。影片剧本曾经入选2015年“好莱坞剧本黑名单”。
肖恩·利维将再次合作老搭档二十世纪福斯,灵山执导新片[陨石坑](Crater,灵山暂译),利维也将约翰·J·格里芬执笔的原创剧本进行改编。故事被描述为科幻版的[ 伴我同行 ],讲述在月球殖民地长大的男孩,和三个小伙伴共同前往一处神秘陨石坑探秘,不料却发生意外。影片剧本曾经入选2015年“好莱坞剧本黑名单”。
回复 :《七品神探》故事讲述了明英宗正统年间府衙推官赵铭久不畏权贵,秉公执法,屡破奇案的历程。全片通过一系列看似零散的小故事把赵铭久武艺高强,刚正不阿,神勇机智,忠于职守的形象特点展现在观众面前。
回复 :In this futuristic science fiction thriller, government security agent Jerry Hipple has been unsuccessfully tracking the city's most infamous criminal The Red Harvest Killer. When two nomadic lovers, Katia and Gladys enter the city the death count rises and are being credited as Red Harvest killings. Obsessive compulsive Adrian, the actual Red Harvest Killer becomes furious that the sexy serial killing duo are grabbing media attention under his alias. Not only does Adrian attempt to reclaim his rightful reputation but he also decides to cleverly aid his detective counterpart through the case. All the while, killers and victims alike are unaware the world is about to reach an abrupt catastrophic ending.
回复 :一次偶然,让单身四年的气筒哥何晓阳(董子健 饰)和校园大姐大关欣(钟楚曦 饰)成为了绯闻情侣。为了摆脱何晓阳,关欣决定帮助他追求女神李舒舒(春夏 饰)。在关欣的指导下,何晓阳拥有了追求女神的完美公式,并距离脱单之日越来越近。但是面对真爱,何晓阳却分不清追爱公式到底有没有用⋯⋯