回复 :
回复 :本剧讲述了一个普通秀才君无咎成为推官后在集体团队帮助下充分发挥特长解开诸多迷案的故事。擅长推理的主人公君无咎和武功高强的苏文月以及足智多谋的成杨组成破案小队,三人性格迥异,但维护正义的信念一致。共事过程中,求同存异。在侦破曲折离奇、匪夷所思的迷案时,将一系列错综复杂的线索,抽丝剥茧,条分缕析,充分了解人物关系后,理性剖析人性,科学辩证地思考和推理,挖掘出案件背后的真相,将一个又一个情理之中又意料之外的迷案侦破。
回复 :The story revolves around Estelle, an incomparably professional long-haul pilot/captain who leads a perfectly structured life alongside her loving and protective husband Guillaume. Everything seems to be going well, although the endless flights and bouts of "jet lag" are beginning to upset the young woman’s biorhythms, especially her sleep. One day, in a corridor in Nice airport, she randomly crosses paths with Ana, a photographer she’d had a passionate affair with twenty years earlier. Estelle has no way of knowing that this reunion will suck her into a nightmaresque spiral and lure her life into irrationality...