  时间:2024-11-05 11:25:20

居住在京都的喜多泽家四姐妹美丽动人,频频除大姐彩(紺野美沙子 饰)外,频频其余三个妹妹茜(浅野温子 饰)、杏(沢口靖子 饰)、蓝(富田靖子 饰)都来自孤儿院。在父母过世后,彩断掉了和恋人岩城(竹脇無我 饰)结婚的念头,全力担负起照顾妹妹们的责任。大学生杏青春逼人,她成为年轻小伙追求的对象。花剑部的柚木冬悟(宮川一朗太 饰)和樱庭谅(尾美としのり 饰)同时向杏展开爱情攻势,冬悟虽然得到美人的芳心,但他的母亲却因为杏的出身而横加干涉。杏和蓝从此得知自己的身世,她们为此苦恼不已。不久,杏的生身母亲绫小路良江(入江若葉 饰)来到京都,希望女儿能与她一同生活,喜多泽四姐妹面临分离的命运。另一方面,一向乐观的二姐茜被诊断患有绝症,她和对自己颇有好感的谅走到一起,携手度过生命中最后的时光……




回复 :A witty, exhilarating and mind-expanding exploration of the word of our times - data - with mathematician Dr Hannah Fry. Following in the footsteps of BBC Four's previous gleefully nerdy, award-winning maths films The Joy of Stats, Tails you Win - The Science of Chance and The Joy of Logic, this new high-tech romp reveals exactly what data is and how it is captured, stored, shared and made sense of. Fry also tells the story of the engineers of the data age, people most of us have never heard of despite the fact they brought about a technological and philosophical revolution.For Hannah Fry, the joy of data is all about spotting patterns. She's Lecturer in the Mathematics of Cities at UCL as well as being the presenter of the BBC series Trainspotting Live and City in the Sky, and she sees data as the essential bridge between two universes - the tangible, noisy, messy world that we see and experience, and the clean, ordered, elegant world of maths, where everything can be captured beautifully with equations.Along the way the film reveals the connection between Scrabble scores and online movie streaming, explains why a herd of Wiltshire dairy cows are wearing pedometers, and uncovers the remarkable network map of Wikipedia. What's the mystery link between 'marmalade' and 'One Direction'?The Joy of Data also hails the giant contribution of Claude Shannon, the American mathematician and electrical engineer who, in an attempt to solve the problem of noisy telephone lines, devised a way to digitise all information. It was Shannon, father of the 'bit', who singlehandedly launched the 'information age'. Meanwhile, the green lawns of Britain's National Physical Laboratory host a race between its young apprentices in order to demonstrate how and why data moves quickly and successfully around modern data networks. It's all thanks to the brilliant technique first invented there in the 1960s by Welshman Donald Davies - packet switching - without which there would be no internet as we know it.But what of the future, big data and artificial intelligence? Should we be worried by the pace of change, and what our own data could and should be used for? Ultimately, Fry concludes, data has empowered all of us. We must have machines at our side if we're to find patterns in the modern-day data deluge. But, Fry believes, regardless of AI and machine learning, it will always take us to find the meaning in them.



回复 :在一场兄弟会和妇女联谊会联合举办的派对上,新人杰夫•雷德(Peter Barton彼得•巴顿 饰)、赛斯(Vincent Van Patten 文森特•范•派顿 饰)与妇女会的马蒂(Linda Blair 琳达•布雷尔 饰)一伙相约前往盖斯庄园过夜,以此作为他们的入会庆典。当地传说,12年前盖斯庄园的主人狂性大发,先后杀死妻子及4个可爱的孩子,随后上吊自杀;已有说法称,盖斯的小儿子安德鲁在那场惨剧中生还,并藏身庄园某处。孟浪的青年们无视传说,大胆走入这片禁忌的园地,迎接他们的将是恶梦一般的恐怖之夜……



回复 :根据1980年艾伦-帕克导演的经典歌舞片《名扬四海》改编。在纽约表演艺术高中,年轻人的任何梦想都将可能被实现。无论是舞蹈、歌唱、表演或是拥有其他艺术才华的学生们都将可能在这里得到实现自己艺术梦想的宝贵机会。在舞蹈、歌唱、表演等着有天分并期待着能在艺术方面有所建树的几个年轻人,马可(阿什·布克 Asher Book 饰)、罗茜、尼尔、凯文、丹尼斯(娜图里·劳顿 Naturi Naughton 饰)以及珍妮(凯·帕娜贝克 Kay Panabaker 饰)等,心怀希望来到了这里。 然而,在孩子们入学之初便遭遇了及其严格的考核:来自自己内心不坚定的意志的折磨,使得他们原有的激情都面临考验。另外,青春校园中从来就不缺乏的青春躁动、同学友谊、爱情的萌芽、以及种种对于成功失败的处理方式,都让前来参加入学应试并最终在这所学校里走到一起的孩子们茁壮成长……



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