真正An altruistic department-store owner hires ex-convicts in order to give them a second chance at life. Unfortunately, one of the convicts he hires recruits two of his fellow ex-convicts in a plan to rob the store.
真正An altruistic department-store owner hires ex-convicts in order to give them a second chance at life. Unfortunately, one of the convicts he hires recruits two of his fellow ex-convicts in a plan to rob the store.
回复 :电影改编自真实发生在香港的残酷杀人事件。美琪(陈昭昭饰)是一名舞女,在和男友决裂之后,她失去了唯一的庇护所,于是,美琪找到了好友阿佩(汤盈盈饰)希望后者收留,并开始在阿佩的男友阿乐(吴岱融饰)的公寓中“重操旧业”。一次偶然中,美琪发现了阿乐的存款,因为外婆病重,急需用钱的美琪一时糊涂拿走了这笔不义之财。得知了真相,阿乐十分愤怒,他找来了马仔阿荣(邵传勇饰)和阿勇(海俊杰饰),绑架并且囚禁了美琪。经受不住两个男人不断的折磨和凌辱,美琪最终含冤而死。之后,阿乐肢解了美琪以销毁证据,但人在昨天在看,几个残酷的凶手最终未能逃脱法网恢恢。
回复 :The story focuses on the titular protagonist Tina who learns from Megi to live a self-determined life in patriarchal society after getting dumped by her boyfriend. The film was shot during the COVID-19 pandemic, which informed the process of shooting and the story.
回复 :桜田通や栗原吾郎ら若手俳優5人がバンド結成、音楽映画「EVEN~君に贈る歌~」