During the civil war, two soldiers attend a pregnant girl from a wealthy Madrid. One can not help but fall in love with her.
During the civil war, two soldiers attend a pregnant girl from a wealthy Madrid. One can not help but fall in love with her.
回复 :故事述说香港残疾运动员苏桦伟的奋斗事迹,说明人生尽管「输在起跑线」,但只要愿意坚持,仍然可以冲线,成为终极胜利者。苏桦伟刚出生不久,就被诊断痉挛及弱听,甚至连正常走路都有难度,然而在苏妈的铁腕手段训练下,伟仔不仅学会了走路,还具有跑步天赋,被邀请加入香港残障田径队。苏桦伟参加多届伤残人士运动会,夺得多面金牌,直至目前为止,他仍然是「男子一百米」及「两百米伤残人士世界纪录」保持者,人称「神奇小子」。 苏桦伟曾决定要成为全职运动员,却因父亲受工伤休养。他为了帮补家用,转行做速递员,艰苦的在上班与训练之间平衡。他在苏妈帮助下,开始像艺人一样接拍广告及出席商业活动,以致疏于训练,令他与教练方Sir闹僵。而面对苏妈的事事控制,苏桦伟亦强力反抗,与母亲关系决裂。在2008年的北京残奥会,伟仔因为与苏妈闹翻,同时要面对比赛,承受前所未有的压力。 幸好在上场前,伟仔不但得到老爸和对手的鼓励安慰,更与苏妈的关系重修于好。伟仔戏剧性夺得冠军,还刷新了「男子两百米」的世界纪录。当他上台领奖时,鸟巢内响起「海阔天空」,全场九万人齐声合唱,令他感受到人生的荣耀,而他从来没有忘记赢金牌的初衷,就是为了补偿出嫁时没有金器的妈妈,让她终于可以「穿金戴银」。让未能一起上台的妈妈,同享荣耀。
回复 :经过生死考验的新免武藏(三船敏郎 饰)在僧人泽庵(尾上九郎又兵卫 饰)的举荐下侍奉大名,并更名宫本武藏。为了磨练意志和武艺,他离开等待自己的阿通(八千草薰 饰),四处云游挑战强者。一路上打败诸多高手的武藏挑战吉冈拳法道场,适逢馆主清十郎(平田昭彦 饰)外出,内中徒众一一落败,武藏留下挑战书扬长而去。然吉冈徒众怀恨在心,几番设计谋害武藏,皆被破解。而另一方面,武藏却与阔别已久的阿通和朱实(冈田茉莉子 饰)不期而遇,刀光剑影中,武藏对爱情作出了断,也完成了和宿敌佐佐木小次郎(鶴田浩二 饰)的初次相逢……
回复 :In a complex tale of interweaving relationships, a Greek immigrant in London explores the meaning of what it is to love and heal. Poised follows the story of Aris, a gay Occupational Therapist who carries the weight of a previous relationship gone wrong. Yet, a chance encounter with Richard seems to allow him the chance to love again. As Aris' relationship with Richard deepens, so too does his friendship with Anna, a patient in his care who suffers from a rare neurological syndrome that leaves her paralysed. Anna recovers the use of her limbs, but finds that she has come to rely on Aris for much more than just his support. In fact, her discovery that her husband has been unfaithful during her illness triggers the realisation that her feelings for Aris are romantic. The ties that bind emotion and propriety begin to unravel, and the tangled net that is woven will hold a secret that will catch them all.