欧美Four travelers encounter menacing phenomena during a desert camping trip.
欧美Four travelers encounter menacing phenomena during a desert camping trip.
回复 :When FBI Agent Zack Stewart is killed, Agent John Ripley takes over the three cases he was working on, hoping one will lead to his killer. The first involves gangster Joe Walpo and Ripley finds his hideout through Joe's girl friend, Connie Anderson. Joe is killed but it is established he was 400 miles away when Stewart was murdered. The next involves a car-theft gang which Ripley breaks up by using one of the gang, Vince Angelino and his wife Julie. The last case involves Kate Martell, the victim of an extortionist who threatens to kidnap her child unless she pays him $10,000
回复 :莉莉(梅俪儿 饰)通过手机“附近的人”功能认识了某神秘酒店高老板,并谈起了恋爱。高老板约莉莉去他的酒店见面,女记者冯薇(宫哲 饰)陪其前往赴约,两人住进这间神秘酒店,却发现高老板早已死亡,可下午“他”还在给莉莉发微信,两人不觉毛骨悚然!晚上,酒店环境突然变得和阴间一般阴森,两人在酒店中频频遭遇灵异之事,睡梦中似有“猛鬼”压身,而酒店天花板也突然飞溅血水,房间里莫名飘出诡异音乐,还有白发幽灵在午夜出没!随后莉莉莫名消失,而冯薇也被一双“鬼手”紧紧扼住了小腿,更恐怖的一幕开始在酒店上演……
回复 :阿梅(李婉华 饰)的儿子身患重病在美国接受治疗,需要大笔的医疗费。与此同时,她的母亲亦患上了老年痴呆,常年需要照拂。在这样危机的情况下,整个家庭的重担都落在了阿梅的肩上,无奈之下,阿梅只能成为一名应召女郎,为了在短时间里获得大量的金钱,阿梅不惜自己的健康,拼命的接客。老马(刘青云 饰)是阿梅的邻居,阿梅混乱的生活常常影响到他,但他知道阿梅的困难,因此并没有刁难她。阿梅遭到了陌生电话的骚扰,电话那头是三名修理工人,他们贪图阿梅的美色,残忍的尾随奸杀了她。阿梅死得冤枉,怨气使她化身成为厉鬼,发誓要为自己报仇。