欧美A girl flees her orphanage in a paranoid belief that otherworldly forces are after her. She seeks refuge in the remote town of Fate, Texas, but is met with hostility. The residents are about to enter her Hell.
欧美A girl flees her orphanage in a paranoid belief that otherworldly forces are after her. She seeks refuge in the remote town of Fate, Texas, but is met with hostility. The residents are about to enter her Hell.
回复 :公司女白领朱维德(梅艳芳 饰)有个阳刚的名字,可是她的为人却胆小怕事,每日最大的人生目标就是节省那一角几毛。这样的人在公司肯定不受欢迎,不仅男同事,就连女同胞们都对她无甚好感,因此维德在公司的人缘可以说是糟糕透顶。与维德正好相反的是公司的办公室助理阿King(黄子华 饰),他自信心爆炸,对自己的演唱水平十分满意,自称“K歌之王”。一次,维德遭到同事们整蛊,莫名其妙的竟然在一个歌唱比赛中进入了决赛,事已至此维德已不能选择退出。但是胆小的维德天生便不敢再众人面前献唱,在人前唱歌她会异常紧张,以至喉咙肌肉抽搐不能发声。为了不要在决赛中出丑,维德找到了阿King,希望他能帮助自己解决问题。维德许诺了好处,阿King自然乐意帮忙,然而,维德胆小的程度却远远超出了他的想象,阿King最终能否帮助维德顺利过关?
回复 :如果你有一个可以偷走记忆的特异功能,你愿意成为谁的江洋大盗?该片讲述了小奶狗店员和御姐店长,在台北小巷洗衣店中发生的一个令人啼笑皆非的魔幻爱情故事。店员尤保佑是一名刚毕业的大学生,经一个神秘群组“天庭俱乐部”介绍来到“大庙洗衣店”工作,他有一个不为人知的特异功能——触碰别人的物品即可以看到物主的记忆!店长曾凌是个心地善良但个性倔强、脾气火爆的女孩。一天,一位女客人声称曾凌是抢走自己老公的小三,并大闹洗衣店,然而这一切的背后都是一场惊天阴谋。脾气火爆的曾凌和人怂话多的尤保佑决定合力调查,性格矛盾的两个人开始了一段令人捧腹的魔幻之旅……
回复 :After a group of telemarketers get fired by their penny-pinching boss, they take revenge by stealing the company's list of clients to start up their own firm. In the heat of celebration and a few drinks in, they lose the phone which holds the only copy of their future costumers. While tracking the lost device on Halloween night, co-workers Amber and Will find themselves trapped in a demented drug addict's house of horrors.