回复 :在老街以回收废物为生的彭达(乔任梁 饰)与龙哥(林雪 饰)做梦也没有想到一封遗书将二人地位华丽逆转,彭达一跃成为五星级大酒店的继承人,龙哥更是每天吃喝玩乐美女相伴。欧阳先生义子Danny(吴镇宇 饰),在酒店摸爬滚打多年,冷酷无情,为酒店集团利益不择手段。Danny假意让彭达参与酒店事务,暗中与彭达上演一次次的明争暗斗,为了抢夺生意双方争的是焦头烂额。Danny以董事会的名义派遣各路人马调查彭达身份,只为等待时机将其一举歼灭,Danny没有想到的是早已苏醒的欧阳(郑则仕 饰)暗中观察着自己的一举一动。一直懦弱的彭达对龙哥言听计从,但为了老街街坊和他所爱的凉茶铺盲女阿英,他开始违背龙哥对抗Danny,瞬间废物变英雄,万夫莫挡……
回复 :This is a brilliant surrealistic film.But also a fully realistic story about a time when the brave avant-guarde artists were trying to explore the unknown landscapes of human possibilities.The contrast between two realities: the poor village and the dadaist artists is shown very smart and brings the possibility of changing the world by the art.Unfortunately, that progressive ideals of making the world better by revealing new areas of imagination, that ruled in the first half of XX century, were crushed by the war.And, the tragedy finishes: the artistic ideals are dead, international art brotherhood also, but, as a real disaster: Yugoslavia is also dead, as a country, but as an artistic vision of nation's brotherhood, too.So, the art falls apart
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