复仇A free-spirited young woman (Deborah Foreman) upsets the status quo at a stuffy Brentwood limousine service.
复仇A free-spirited young woman (Deborah Foreman) upsets the status quo at a stuffy Brentwood limousine service.
回复 :A down-and-out gangster hires an alcoholic press agent to make his blonde bombshell girlfriend a recording star in 6 weeks. But what is he going to do when he finds out that she has no talent And what is going to happen when the two fall in love
回复 :数星星了!由知名配角演员亲自演自己并互动的人气日剧《Byplayers》系列将推出第3季《Byplayers:名配角的森林100日》及电影版《Byplayers:如果100名配角一起拍电影》。不仅前作主演田口智朗、松重丰、光石研、远藤宪一将回归,还有佐佐木希、志田未来、滨田岳、阿部亮平、柄本时生、高杉真宙等海量明星新加盟,规模浩大!松居大悟也将继续担任导演。续作故事舞台设定在远离都市、被森林包围的摄影地“Byplaywood”(neta好莱坞),各电视台在这儿争相拍摄电视剧和电影,于是一场大骚动即将来临。新剧将于2021年1月开播,电影版定于2021年春季上映。
回复 :生活奢靡的富二代战斗(曹天恺 饰)和酒吧女郎艾丽(陈梦瑶 饰)决定私奔,突如其来的海难之后,战斗漂到了一座孤岛,他该如何面对独自求生的困境?与此同时,一场更大的阴谋正在等待着他......