春暖In 1963, eighteen-year-old Patricia Weir is kidnapped and brutally raped. Committed to putting her attacker, Ernesto Miranda, in prison, Patty's life is destroyed by America's legal system as she triggers a law that transforms the Nation.
春暖In 1963, eighteen-year-old Patricia Weir is kidnapped and brutally raped. Committed to putting her attacker, Ernesto Miranda, in prison, Patty's life is destroyed by America's legal system as she triggers a law that transforms the Nation.
回复 :痛失爱妻的安藤孝则(濑户康史 饰)将女儿凪(平泽宏路路 饰)托付给正研读临床心理学的妹妹枫子(泷本美织 饰)抚养。枫子尽心竭力,但是凪孤僻自闭,从不向任何人敞开心扉,还经常画一些可怕的画。与此同时,一度甚嚣尘上的诅咒视频再度流行,接连有人自杀身亡,事态严重引起了警方关注。枫子突然发现,似乎曾经触怒过凪的人都会成为诅咒视频的牺牲者。种种不安促使她探寻哥哥和嫂子过去的秘密,进而发现了关于贞子的恐怖线索和知情人。事态愈演愈烈,牺牲者也愈来愈多,被卷入漩涡中央的枫子,如何才能终止贞子绵亘多年的可怕诅咒?
回复 :夜深人静,医院的监控录像拍下了一桩停尸房的离奇尸体盗窃案,偷盗尸体的竟然是一群面目狰狞的红眼僵尸,保安报案,资深侦探梁警官(梁小龙 饰)出动却找不到半点线索。随后被意外牵连的美女,被再度出现的僵尸当做死人偷走,囚禁在一间恐怖实验室中,不得不与一群没有灵魂的僵尸搏杀求生,却在逃生过程中发现了 令僵尸重生的恐怖秘密……
回复 :Miguel "Bayoneta" Galíndez, a retired boxer after a shocking event in his life, living now in Finland without a purpose until a light situation puts him on the verge of an important decision.