欲求In an attempt to rectify their criminal past, a once successful Hollywood starlet, turn prostitute, and a petty, misogynistic thief, set out together to solve a high profile child abduction case in San Francisco.
欲求In an attempt to rectify their criminal past, a once successful Hollywood starlet, turn prostitute, and a petty, misogynistic thief, set out together to solve a high profile child abduction case in San Francisco.
回复 :A special operations unit races to find and prevent the construction of a devastating micro nuclear device created by a group of radical mercenaries whose political beliefs blur the line between terrorist and revolutionary.
回复 :故事发生在1944年,日军残酷无情的铁蹄踏破了朝鲜土地上的宁静,一时间硝烟四起哀鸿遍野,百姓失去了赖以生存的家园,只能在燃烧的熊熊战火和被敌人统治的屈辱之下忍辱偷生。崔钟芬(金香奇 饰)和金英爱(金赛纶 饰)是两名平凡的朝鲜女孩,金英爱十分嫌弃看上去土里土气的崔钟芬,而崔钟芬却对金英爱青睐有加,只因为她喜欢上了金英爱的哥哥。某日,金英爱的哥哥被日本人抓走,为了救哥哥,金英爱毅然决然的坐上了前往日本的火车,崔钟芬亦随她而去。然而,两个女孩没有想到的是,这趟火车的终点竟然是日方慰安所,两朵纯洁无暇的娇花在这里遭受了惨无人道的摧残。
回复 : 溫泉旅館的老闆娘豔子皮膚白皙、溫柔美麗,對每一位投宿旅客的服務無微不至,從上到下撫慰每一位住宿旅客寂寞空虛的身心靈。這次為了償還丈夫在海外借錢裝修所積欠的龐大債務,迫於無奈只得與銀行的追債員黑原共渡春宵來抵債,不料他卻一試成主顧,對艷子難以忘懷,還款的截止日也快到了,黑原還會艷子提出什麼要求呢?