灵魂This movie is the only movie in the history of Tamil cinema to not have released a trailer. Only a 46 second teaser was released, making it one of the most anticipated tamil movies ever.
灵魂This movie is the only movie in the history of Tamil cinema to not have released a trailer. Only a 46 second teaser was released, making it one of the most anticipated tamil movies ever.
回复 :保安员英叔被人拍下失职照而被降职,保安公司持牌人ANN亦接获警方通知,如有再犯保安公司将会被停牌,Ann为保父业,决定招募新人加强培训,肥波,伍光,亚龙等人被派往协助肥英,龙的女友亚恩对龙贵为大学生而从事保安员的工作,令恩非常担心龙的前途,在人手不足之情况下,Ann到来协助,此时有歹徒到来破坏,肥波受伤,但最后成功制伏歹徒,Ann见歹徒年青,不忍交给警方令他们前途尽毁,于是放走他们,歹徒为报.
回复 :Three ordinary guys are thrust into a parallel world of an old Sci-Fi movie. Trapped in a low budget universe they must somehow fight their way home before it is too late.
回复 :影片以江流儿成长为中枢焦点,讲述了江流儿在顿悟入佛门成为一代大师“玄奘”之前的人生经历。影片中核心冲突点是在面临被灭门的仇恨和天下苍生之间该如何选择,江流儿终不负所有人的所托,选择皈依,从此开始了自己普度苍生的西行之路。