佐仓A visionary, innovator, and originator who defied categorization and embodied the word cool: a foray into the life and career of musical and cultural icon Miles Davis.
佐仓A visionary, innovator, and originator who defied categorization and embodied the word cool: a foray into the life and career of musical and cultural icon Miles Davis.
回复 :白手起家的富豪刘轩(邓超 饰)新拍下了一块地皮,并联合了女强人李若兰(张雨绮 饰)使用恐怖的声纳技术驱赶鱼类,用于填海造地。人鱼一族长期居住在附近区域的海里,为了继续生存,带头大哥章鱼八哥(罗志祥 饰)派出了美人鱼珊珊(林允 饰)“色诱”刘轩,准备刺杀。没想到珊珊在卧底过程中与刘轩暗生情愫,一次次破坏暗杀计划,而李若兰却在准备一个更丧心病狂的邪恶计划……
回复 :Hareesh and Reshmi are an immigrant couple from Kerala working in a medical gloves factory near Delhi. During the COVID-19 lockdowns, when an old video resurfaces among the factory workers, it opens up a Pandora’s box that threatens the couple’s jobs and marriage. As desperation and hostility mounts, they confront their own needs and desires while torn between a life of conscience and compromise.
回复 :一位患有癌症的舞蹈演员、一位记忆始终停留在30年前的老年痴呆患者、一位和后妈关系失和的13岁叛逆少女、一位意外失子的海岛女教师,她们相逢在满山岛不期而遇的经历一场悲欢离合,至此也最终明白,每个人终须面对自己的难题。