回复 :This documentary tells the forgotten stories of some of the most influential personal computer pioneers in the San Francisco Bay Area. In the late 1960s, big mainframe computers owned by large corporations and the government were seen as tools of control. The Hippie movement and the anti-Vietnam war protests served as a hotbed for a revolutionary idea: creating an affordable home computer to be used by ordinary people as a counterbalance to Big Brother. Well, the rest is history, but what has happened to the early ideals and the initial ethos of free sharing? As one of the visionaries puts it: "It's true that what I helped to create is today's establishment. That's what I was trying to get rid of: the establishment."
回复 :他是维多利亚女皇的长子他是注定要登上皇位的威尔士亲王儿时的他,叛逆调皮成年的他,迎娶了异国的公主,却又拈花惹草那么,他一定是玉树临风,风度翩翩错!他肥胖异常,举止轻浮,声名狼藉...所有人都认为他绝对绝对不会是一个合格的君主连他的母亲都对他失望透顶多年都不曾召见他对他极度不信任然而一朝登基他很快适应环境成为一代明主!他就是爱德华七世。【文:桃夭】
回复 :往季歌王齐聚,全新跨界阵营,正面交锋,音浪对决,等你来看!