回复 :无心男人 AHeartlessMan出品单位:北京汇铭鸿嘉影视 文化发展有限公司摄制单位:北京汇铭鸿嘉影视 文化发展有限公司通过日期:2010年6月12日许可证号:电审数字〔加10〕 第2 18号声音制式:51 幅别:l:178 片长:90分钟编剧:邵煌李克龙导演:李克龙摄影:薛刚要演员:吴迪张昊袁菲 郑璐主要内容: 程汉的女友与他分手,他伤心从 此成了女人杀手,不断抛弃女人来报 复前女友。花痴美女茹欣是他的下个 目标,然而茹欣比他更加过分,她不 断更换爱情目标,程汉也无法容忍想 改变她。原来茹欣的母亲为爱自杀, 茹欣自此开始游戏爱情。...
回复 :影片以不畏病痛、坚守课堂28年,被评为“湖北好人2011年度人物”、为山里孩子们放飞希望的谭定才老师为原型,用电影的方式表现了这位山区教师的大爱襟怀。以最真实的镜头表现了在极端艰苦环境中,难以想象的病痛折磨中,残疾人谭定才从青年走到中年,在山区坚守教育事业,为孩子播种着未来人生的光明的真实感人故事。
回复 :It’s 1974, and Britain has a hung Parliament. The corridors of Westminster ring with the sound of infighting and backstabbing as the political parties battle to change the future of the nation.This House is a timely, moving and funny insight into the workings of British politics by James Graham (Ink, ITV's Quiz) and directed by Jeremy Herrin (People, Places and Things). This much-loved production enjoyed two sold-out National Theatre runs, a West End transfer and national tour as well as being filmed by National Theatre Live.You can watch This House from 7pm UK time on Thursday 28 May until 7pm UK time on Thursday 4 June 2020. It was filmed live on stage at the National Theatre in 2013.The running time is 2 hours 40 minutes with a very short interval. It is subtitled.The play is suitable for ages 14+ with some strong language throughout.--We hope, as you enjoy this content and the weekly recorded performances, you’ll consider a donation to the National Theatre.