A 13-year-old girl delivers heroin to some friends of hers in a leafy suburb, as a daily ritual.
A 13-year-old girl delivers heroin to some friends of hers in a leafy suburb, as a daily ritual.
回复 :The goriest and sickest scenes from the Guinea pig movies all in one movie.-------------------------------IMDB User Comments:The best of Guinea Pig, 30 October 2001Author: Lord of All Fevers & Plague from The NetherlandsThe Slaughter Special is nothing more than the best Of Guinea Pig. It includes scenes from some Guinea Pig volumes like Guinea Pig 1 and Guinea Pig 2 :Flower Of Flesh And Blood. If you're new to Guinea Pig, this might be a good introduction to the series...if you're not, it's probably not worth watching.
回复 :林少鹏是一个普通的工地工人,从小父母离异的他并没有感受到什么家庭的温暖,一次在便利店买可乐的误会中,他与建筑公司老板的女儿许慕凝结下了不解之缘。老板在工地视察时,林少鹏指出了工地的一个隐藏危险,老板因此对林少鹏赏识有加,随着林少鹏和许慕凝的关系越来越近越来越深入,他们相爱了,虽然林少鹏因为自己的出身而不敢直面这段感情,许慕凝却用自己的果敢牵着林少鹏走入了婚姻的殿堂,婚后,林少鹏也开了自己的公司,事业蒸蒸日上,许慕凝却检查出了阿兹海默氏症,林少鹏在无数次的挣扎之后接受了这个事实,并且决定要永远爱着许慕凝,许慕凝每天早上醒来就会忘记一切,但是林少鹏拼尽全力,还是能让许慕凝在睡觉之前爱上自己。
回复 :碧翠丝汉斯多佛是个寡妇,与两个女儿住在康州郊外的平房里。她总是成天读着报纸里的广告栏,对自己的未来充满模糊的希望,口里对政府与社会骂骂咧咧,而她无形中也将自己的疾世愤俗之心传给了她的大女儿鲁思。小女儿玛蒂达因为对家里环境充满失望而将注意力转移到学校的课业学习,因此备受母亲诟病。随着一系列小事件的接连发生,碧翠丝和她的两个女儿也陆续遭遇意想不到的变故……