亚洲Phobia is a 2017 British/Italian horror anthology film produced by Tony Newton.The film delves into the horrors of an individual phobia via each segment.
亚洲Phobia is a 2017 British/Italian horror anthology film produced by Tony Newton.The film delves into the horrors of an individual phobia via each segment.
回复 :A coming-of-age story about the 16-year old boy Ari, who has been living with his mother in Reykjavik and is suddenly sent back to the remote Westfjords to live with his father Gunnar. There, he has to navigate a difficult relationship with his father, and he finds his childhood friends changed. In these hopeless and declining surroundings, Ari has to step up and find his way.
回复 :曾凭借《丢在八月的路上》获得芥川奖,另有作品《想戴上戒指》也被翻拍为电影而为世人所知的作家伊藤果子的小说《蒲生家的路边餐馆》以同名电影登上荧幕,由染谷将太和黑川芽以主演。公路旁一家门可罗雀的路边餐馆,蒲生家的两个孩子沙纪(黑川芽以饰)和弟弟俊也(染谷将太 饰)便出生于此。因父亲三郎(永濑正敏 饰)早年曾混迹黑社会并且生活潦倒,姐弟俩从小被周围蔑称为“一家都是傻瓜”。日复一日,年复一年,沙纪以堕落来反抗,后来干脆挺着大肚子离家出走。数年以后,沙纪因遭受丈夫家暴而带着女儿亚希子回到娘家。为了和过去一刀两断,沙纪带着亚希子和俊一起去和丈夫谈离婚。旅途中,姐弟共同回忆起和昔日的种种情景……
回复 :讲述国家安全企划部的两名重要官员朴平浩和金正道追捕潜伏韩国的朝鲜间谍头子揭秘惊人真相的故事。 这是李政宰转型导演的处女作。