回复 :The story revolves around a young woman who entered into a strip club called À mon seul désir one day. She believed she’d found a place where love couldn’t reach her, where a cunt was called a cunt, and where she could play with her body unhampered by matters of the heart. But further surprises were in store for her…
回复 :商朝初期,华夏大地列国纷争硝烟弥漫。赤雷因天生异像被遗弃在森林中孤独长大,慢慢生出一双翅膀。某天,附近两军交战,女军医妘英被敌军追赶至森林,被赤雷救下,两人相处之下成为好友。妘英因军务在身,不得不告别赤雷回到军营。赤雷因思念独身闯入军营,李将军发觉他身负异能,邀其加入,而面对赤雷的却是军队他人的恐惧和排斥。
回复 :根据动漫改编,一个心灵怀有伤感情节的新人女教师木村枫和两位学生的凄美故事。