回复 :雅各布·泰勒搬到一个与世隔绝的小木屋后,突然消失得无影无踪。根据他留下的录像信息,他的家人、朋友和一名侦探试图找到围绕着他引发的诡异事件的答案。。。
回复 :几位嬉皮士正在寻找乔,乔是70年代的老朋友,他似乎被困在时间里,从那以后再也没有一天过。通过忍者忍者,怪异的金属头,萨满祭司和古老的仪式,两人踏上了无回头的旅程。
回复 :On a cold November night in 1993, Wanda Lopez was stabbed to death while she worked at a Corpus Cristi Texas gas station. 21 year old Carlos DeLuna was arrested, and over the next six years, through his trial and subsequent imprisonment he protested his innocence, declaring that it was another Carlos who committed the crime. The prosecution insisted that this other Carlos was a “phantom’ and didn’t exist. Through illuminating interviews with witnesses, Carlos’ family members, and legal experts the film asks, for the first time since 1993, if the judicial system executed an innocent man, examining key evidence that calls into question whether or not Carlos DeLuna was right about the other Carlos. Was he a phantom after all, or was he a brutal killer, and did a poor Hispanic young man have any chance within a justice system and a society that by it's actions seemed to regard him as disposable? —Deborah Rudolph