《伊萨卡》是根据美国作家威廉·萨洛扬( William Saroyan)1943年的长篇小说《人间喜剧》(The Human Comedy)改编的,日本故事围绕着居住在加州小镇“伊萨卡”的14岁少年荷马(Homer Macauley)展开,日本哥哥去欧洲作战后,家中就剩下他来照顾妈妈、姐姐以及4岁的弟弟尤利西斯(Ulysses)。荷马是小镇上的自行车电报送信员,在1942年的那个春夏,他为小镇上的居民送去了无数承载着爱、痛苦、死亡以及希望的消息,也从一个男孩成长为了男子汉。
《伊萨卡》是根据美国作家威廉·萨洛扬( William Saroyan)1943年的长篇小说《人间喜剧》(The Human Comedy)改编的,日本故事围绕着居住在加州小镇“伊萨卡”的14岁少年荷马(Homer Macauley)展开,日本哥哥去欧洲作战后,家中就剩下他来照顾妈妈、姐姐以及4岁的弟弟尤利西斯(Ulysses)。荷马是小镇上的自行车电报送信员,在1942年的那个春夏,他为小镇上的居民送去了无数承载着爱、痛苦、死亡以及希望的消息,也从一个男孩成长为了男子汉。
回复 :Bertie Gregory is back, and this time, the adventures are even more epic! Bertie takes us to the most spectacular corners of our planet — from Antarctica to Africa and South America to Asia – tracking down extraordinary animals to capture their daily lives like never before. Armed with drones, state-of-the-art cameras, and underwater tech, he and his team brave subzero seas, climb snow-capped mountains, and sleep suspended 120 feet in the air to reveal the challenges these animals endure, their fierce rivalries, and the threats they face on our changing planet. ANIMALS UP CLOSE WITH BERTIE GREGORY shows all the behind-the-scenes moments he and his team face while adapting to unpredictable wildlife in remote environments where filming rarely goes as planned. There is no script for this unique series, but through it all, Bertie brings the audience with him every step of the way.
回复 :A documentary revealing former Czech president Vaclav Havel's private moments and backroom dealings.
回复 :故事发生在大唐初年,为了超度东土亡灵,一代高僧唐僧(何藩 饰)得到唐王支持,在大队兵马随从的护送下浩浩荡荡前往西天佛土,求取大藏真经。这一路坎坷艰辛,自不用提,更有洞府山川的妖怪精魅蠢蠢欲动,企图吃掉唐僧。适才还晴空万里,转眼飞沙走石,原来妖怪黑风大王施展法术,令唐僧和随从们失散,而妖怪们为了争抢唐僧更大打出手。唐僧一路逃亡,筋疲力尽,结果在五行山见到了被镇压在这里长达五百年的齐天大圣孙悟空(岳华 饰)。悟空受观世音菩萨指点,答应力保唐僧西天取经。在武功高强的徒弟的帮助下,唐僧总算暂时安下心来。接下来的旅途中,他们又遭遇了高老庄的猪八戒(彭鹏 饰)、沙和尚(田琛 饰)以及白龙潭的小白龙,恢弘的西游记的故事正式上演……