回复 :民国时期,上海滩富豪公子郁成业在新婚之夜中毒死于新房。牵扯进案件的是一对亲生姐妹,孟小梦和孟小路。孟小梦(杨紫婷 饰)和孟小路(孙文婷 饰)从小父母双亡,二人流落街头被祝家富商收做丫鬟,然而祝家父子心怀不轨,借机凌辱了孟小梦,孟小梦对男人深恶痛绝,开始对妹妹小路产生不伦情感。祝家父子对小路下手,小 梦刺伤二人,带小路逃离,失散。数年后孟小梦化名白梦,成为著名歌手,随即再遇将要结婚的孟小路,对妹妹的特殊感情,让她不相信妹妹的未婚夫郁成业,决定用自己做诱饵让妹妹知道世上没有好男人,她成功了,也失败了,郁成业陷入情网,孟小梦也同样爱上郁成业。二人不能结合,郁成业和小路结婚当夜,为了证明爱情,自杀而死。三人纠缠的孽缘以悲剧收尾。
回复 :金盏花大酒店客满为患,穆瑞尔(玛吉·史密斯 Maggie Smith 饰)和桑尼(戴夫·帕特尔 Dev Patel 饰)开始寻找起了下一个“据点”——玛丽戈德大饭店,在那里,美好的图景展开,两人的事业将走上另一个高峰。玛琪(西莉亚·伊姆瑞 Celia Imrie 饰)终于邂逅了她的真命天子,只是天子的数量竟然有两位,一时之间,玛琪不知道改选哪个才好。桑尼即将和女友奈娜(蒂娜·德赛 Tina Desai 饰)携手步入婚姻的殿堂,但前提是,忙于工作的他得能抽得出时间参加他自己的婚礼。与此同时,诺曼(罗纳德·皮卡普 Ronald Pickup 饰)和卡罗(黛安娜·哈卡索 Diana Hardcastle 饰)亦从两人纠缠不休的感情漩涡里找到了未来的新的方向。
回复 :The direction of The Sleeping Tiger was credited to Victor Hanbury, but this was actually a pseudonym for the blacklisted Joseph Losey, whose first British film this was. Alexander Knox stars as psychiatrist Clive Esmond, who believes that he can stem the criminal tendencies of young fugitive from justice Frank Clements (Dirk Bogarde). To this end, Esmond hides Clements in his own home. At first hostile towards the handsome crook, Esmond's wife Glenda (Alexis Smith) gradually warms up to her house guest, and before long she and Clements are casting lustful glances at one another. She intends to run off with Clements and make a new life for herself, when suddenly he decides that he actually wants to reform. If nothing else, The Sleeping Tiger is a fascinating precursor to the sexual tensions prevalent in Losey's later Harold Pinter adaptations. ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi