回复 :本片展示了画展开幕式之前一位艺术家的日常及其与他人的关系。生活中的混乱成为了她的灵感源泉。
回复 :田小豆是一名留守儿童,爸爸妈妈离婚后,爸爸出外打工一直没有回来看过田小豆。爷爷和奶奶带着田小豆在家里。田小豆时常想念爸爸告诉了爷爷,忙于农活的爷爷对田小豆说:一个人什么时候能去水坝玩了,你爸爸就会回来看他。田小豆独自一个人走向大沟的远处,田小豆走了两天两夜终于找到了水坝,在这两天里他遇见了古怪唱歌跑调的徒步大叔,急着回家看望孩子的打工叔叔,好心的小雪和小雪妈妈。已经长大后的田小豆站在家里的葡萄树下回忆着自己的童年往事,明白自己已经长大了,在怎么苦涩的童年都是值得回忆。
回复 :Celestine, the chambermaid, has a new job in the country, at the Lanlaires. She has decided to use her beauty to seduce a wealthy man. But Mr Lanlaire is not a right choice all the house is firmly controlled by Mme Lanlaire, helped by the strange valet Joseph. Then she tries the neighbour, ex-officer Mauger. This seems to work. But soon the son of the Lanlaires comes back. He is young, attractive, and does not share his mother's anti-republicans opinions. So Celestine's beauty attracts Captain Mauger, young Georges Lanlaire, and also Joseph. Three men, from three different social classes, with three different conceptions of life. Will Celestine be able to convince Georges of her sincerity Will sinister and inflexible Joseph let his views upon Celestine be ruined A quite disillusioned depiction of humanity.