亚洲区Years of friendship, laughter and love shared between two brothers faces the music when a 14 year old boy is confronted with the complexities of a simple relationship.
亚洲区Years of friendship, laughter and love shared between two brothers faces the music when a 14 year old boy is confronted with the complexities of a simple relationship.
回复 :11岁的女孩艾瑞(凯特·马伯里 Kate Maberly 饰)跟着家人从苏格兰搬到了美国,在那里,他们家拥有一大片田地。收获季来临了,艾瑞的父母雇佣了一批墨西哥劳工到地里收割庄稼,艾瑞因此结识了名为奥斯卡(Jonathan Hernandez 饰)的男孩,趣味相投的两人很快就成为了朋友。艾瑞的姐姐简(Carolyn Hurlburt 饰)在城市里认识了男孩托德(Dallen Gettling 饰),虽然托德长得一表人才,却是个华而不实的绣花枕头。当托德看见简和奥斯卡的哥哥马库斯(Mark Hardy 饰)一起在地里劳动的场面后感到非常的不满,与此同时,艾瑞因为和奥斯卡交好,也遭到了周遭人的排挤和嘲笑,这令艾瑞感到百思不得其解。
回复 :日本战国时代末期,各路诸侯连年征伐,战火不断,致令饿殍遍野,生灵涂炭。一代霸主丰臣秀吉死后,旧有的丰臣家族和德川家康发动了夺取天下的战争。为了有效摧毁对手,德川下令组建了武功高桥的杀手集团,在这些人中间,唯一的少女阿墨(上户彩 饰)正是其中的佼佼者。继加藤正清、浅野长政之后,真田昌幸(平干二朗 饰)便是德川家族天下制霸的最后阻碍,而此番阿墨也将其作为最后的刺杀目标。无休止的杀戮,让这个没有笑容的少女早已厌倦,当在一次的争斗开始时,她却邂逅了那个与死去恋人长得一模一样的敌军武士银角(小栗旬 饰)。阿墨的命运由此变得扑朔迷离……
回复 :College students, Abby and Travis, fall in love after being friends for a while. He doesn't believe in relationships, just one night stands. Until he meets Abby. This book soon to be movie is about two people with troubled pasts learning to trust one another and change the way they look at things.