回复 :一个拥有五个弟弟的非著名黄牛,为了多挣点让几个弟弟好好学习,每天早出晚归排队购票,自己住在一个半地下室里,一个拥有音乐梦想的女孩,由于母亲的不理解,自己跑到城市里靠直播支撑梦想,黄牛早睡早起,主播晚睡晚起,由于二人的时间的差异,闹出了一系列荒唐而又温情的笑话,好笑之余却有着小小的感动,在真实的生活与无限的思维中,努力寻找着平衡,做到有质感,有意思,讲述这些小人物在大城市的无奈生活,与他们精彩的人生。
回复 :An affluent medical professor, Komiya, and his bossy wife, Tokio, are to look after Setsuko, their high-spirited niece from Osaka. Setsuko is a liberated woman who does what she wants, including smoking, even though she is a minor. On Saturday, the professor does not feel like going to his weekend golf game, but his wife packs him off anyway. So he leaves his bag at the apartment of his student Okada, and goes to a bar with a friend. Setsuko traces him there, and insists that he take her to a geisha house. When she gets rather tipsy, the professor calls Okada to take her home, while he sleeps at Okada's. The wife becomes suspicious of Setsuko when she sees Okada bringing her home, and also of her husband when she discovers that he did not go golfing.
回复 :青云堂女掌门于胜男是个拳头比铁硬、性子比钢直的泼辣女子。为了完成病重在床的父亲的愿望,急于结婚的于胜男在荒唐又搞笑的相亲路上认识了命定冤家牛多多,威逼利诱这个憨大叔和自己签下假结婚协议,带着他去民政局领了证。就在于胜男逐渐被牛多多的善良淳朴打动之际,多年前被于胜男父亲逐出师门的师兄林杰归来,以言语相激导致老人病发去世,又以牛多多的一条腿威胁于胜男接受挑战帖。于胜男怒而迎战,反目成仇的师兄妹誓要在武林大会上争个你死我活……