回复 :公孙丽自小与两位师兄跟随爷爷习武,偶遇少年嬴政遭人欺负将其救下,嬴政对这位妙龄少女念念不忘。战国纷乱,公孙丽与二师兄相恋,二人因战争离开家乡,相依为命。二师兄因保护公孙丽中毒受伤。为换解药,公孙丽进宫嫁给嬴政,成为丽姬,却发现已怀有身孕,嬴政替丽姬瞒下此事,谎称孩子是自己的,天明出生后,嬴政对他视如己出,丽姬深受感动。大师兄韩申进宫营救,得知真相后为保护丽姬及孩子,潜伏宫中做侍卫。丽姬在与嬴政相处中发现这个冷血男人细腻柔软不为人知的一面,不知不觉爱上了他……
回复 :京鼎官季大人将女儿柒月送去初府拜师初家二公子学艺,并改名易落(何蓝逗 饰 )。二公子初澈(冯荔军饰)有着绝世美颜却性情孤傲,神秘的疾病让他长年避客。由于不堪忍受师父的“冷暴力”,易落变着法子想要逃出师傅的魔掌却次次被抓包,而后受到严惩。朝夕相处中,易落得知师父五年前经历的一场意外可能是致使他性情孤僻且体弱多病的原因,又突然得知自己家族惨遭灭门的消息,而父亲送她在初澈手下隐姓埋名的原因也一一浮出水面。至此以后,易落明白自己身上背负着家族的命案和血海深仇。她需要初澈帮助她一同抓出元凶,替族人报仇雪恨……
回复 :The Girl Before tells the story of Jane (Gugu Mbatha-Raw), who gets the chance to move into a beautiful, ultra-minimalist house designed by an enigmatic architect (David Oyelowo). There’s just one catch: occupants have to abide by his list of exacting rules. Jane starts to feel the house changing her in unexpected ways, but when she makes the shocking discovery that her predecessor Emma died in the house, she’s forced to confront unnerving similarities. As the two women’s timelines interweave, Jane begins to question if her fate will be the same as the girl before…