《威洛比家的孩子们》是一部风格十分特别的 CG 动画剧情片,狼人目前正由温哥华的 BRON Animation 进行制作,狼人由克里斯·皮尔恩(《天降美食 2》)担任编剧/导演。威洛比家的四个孩子被自私的父母遗弃后,他们必须学着如何调整自己过时的价值观以适应当代世界,创建一个新的现代家庭。改编自荣获纽伯瑞奖的洛伊丝·劳里的著作。由瑞奇·热维斯、玛娅·鲁道夫、威尔·福特、马丁·肖特、阿莱西娅·卡拉和简·科拉克斯基配音。
《威洛比家的孩子们》是一部风格十分特别的 CG 动画剧情片,狼人目前正由温哥华的 BRON Animation 进行制作,狼人由克里斯·皮尔恩(《天降美食 2》)担任编剧/导演。威洛比家的四个孩子被自私的父母遗弃后,他们必须学着如何调整自己过时的价值观以适应当代世界,创建一个新的现代家庭。改编自荣获纽伯瑞奖的洛伊丝·劳里的著作。由瑞奇·热维斯、玛娅·鲁道夫、威尔·福特、马丁·肖特、阿莱西娅·卡拉和简·科拉克斯基配音。
回复 :本片日语片名为西班牙音乐家萨拉塞蒂一九○四年演奏的唱片名,原著是黑泽明绝笔《夕阳正红》主人公、随笔家内田百闲的小说《萨拉塞蒂的唱片》,影片中这张唱片及其音乐出现在主人公青地丰二郎的家中,他那位放荡的妻子放的。青地是陆军学校的德语教师,由清顺所欣赏的中年导演藤田敏八扮演,他身材壮阔,穿着厚重的呢子西装,酷似俄罗斯人。原田芳雄所饰演的浪子中砂与青地算是旧识,但他玩世不恭,似乎没有一点正经,只喜欢追逐女人,也只有女人能让他兴奋起来。两人在旅馆中结识了艺妓小稻,看上去她对青地有意,青地也喜欢她,却不知为什么不肯和她接近,结果让中砂厚着脸皮搞到手了。青地和中砂各有妻子,青地上门做客时,赫然发现中砂的妻子园与艺妓小稻相貌一模一样,均由大谷直子扮演。园也爱上了青地,青地还是不肯接近她,她产下孩子失意而死,小稻很快来接替她成了中砂的妻子。中砂有了温暖的家却心不在此而属意流浪,青地妻子的妹妹在医院中告诉青地,说病中曾见姐姐与中砂在面前有亲热举动。中砂离家流浪,埋在樱花下的沙地里,只露出头,死了,不远处是一男一女两个年幼盲童的歌声。清顺复出后真正完全启用旧班底的本片,很难用语言复述,通篇是用惊人影像营造起来的一个梦境,这梦境有清顺对死亡的幻觉和敬畏,像中砂死在樱花下、埋在沙砾中,像两男一女卖唱行乞的盲艺人,情敌决斗以竹杖相互敲头将对方敲进沙滩的沙屑中,女人弹着琵琶坐着木桶被海水吞没,带着意蕴深远的迷醉情绪;有富于象征性的奇观、恐惧、情欲,以及妖艳的媚笑也复不少,但看的人很难从中理出路数来,不明其所谓,只好去看色彩、布料、置景、道具极度富有的美感和质感,那白色洋房外表、花纹壁纸为里的青地家住宅,还有在砂家青色竹席、总是有火锅热气腾腾日本式住房,极富20世纪10-20年大正时代的特色。将观众的注意力牢固吸引于杰出的形式美,这正是清顺“浪漫三部曲”的目的。
回复 :Sydney and Darrel met while working through the trenches of chaos of low budget independent filmmaking. Like most forced to produce under pressure, they grew close and began to admire and respect one another. However, their romance never quite had the opportunity to blossom and once the production was over, they went their respective ways and moved on with their lives. After 2 years of post production, when the film is celebrating its premiere, the two of them meet again. With spirits flying high and the cast and crew present to critique and admire the work they have done, Sydney and Darrel after a night of drinks hook up. In the last two years they've had their professional triumphs and failures, they've had their flings and various romances, but they've always kept each other in the back of their minds as that one that got away, the magical other. But...things are different now.
回复 :Lynette Walden and Chris Mulkey star in this action-packed ride through the sexy and dangerous world of flesh for sale and murder for hire. Harley-riding Angel (Lynette Walden) plays to win in her fight against a slavery and prostitution ring that abuses young runaways — It’s a life-and-death game in which video-games hold the clues, and the only way to win is to kill without conscience. The chill of each killing drives Angel into the arms of anonymous lovers — a desperate attempt for affection — but her ex-boyfriend George (Chris Mulkey) is watching … In a demented rage he stalks her through her steamy video-arcade reality. But when the game is over and the high score is counted, will Angel be able to walk away?