回复 :倾覆沉没的钻井平台,顺流直冲的运油车头,直坠入海的满载客机。交通海上应急反应特勤队队长高谦(彭于晏 饰)、机长方宇凌(辛芷蕾 饰)和绞车手赵呈(王彦霖 饰)一次次带领队伍第一时间抵达,站在水火咆哮的最前面,守在危急撤离的最后面,用生命对抗天灾人祸。但在自然面前,特勤员毕竟没有超能力,血肉之躯踩在死亡边缘,真实的恐惧无数次让这些斗士颤抖、无助和气馁。而海上救援的字典里没有“退缩”。当你听见旋翼的轰鸣、洪亮的汽笛、马达的飞驰,那是他们无惧艰难险阻,舍己为人,谱写的一曲英雄之歌。
回复 :That's Not Us is an intimate portrait of three twenty-something couples as they travel to a beach house to enjoy the last days of summer. But what should be a fun and carefree weekend becomes an exploration of what it takes to sustain a healthy relationship and make love last in what is now being called the "gayest generation." Through each of the three couples - one gay, one lesbian, and one straight - That's Not Us explores sex and relationships with a fresh perspective, finding that while sexuality and gender may vary, the struggles to keep love alive do not.
回复 :主人公本来是想通过尝试换下生活方式来打破目前的人生困境,却不料被别有用心的人设计陷入了一个人生困局中。当她受到陌生人鼓动尝试去交友网站上换屋之后,第一天一切都是那样的美好和喜悦,但是第二天醒来却是直接进入噩梦。先是被捕接受谋杀调查,然后一切证据都显示她就是凶手。幸好女主人公有着坚强的意志和清醒的头脑、敏捷的反应,明白目前的处境只有靠自己来解开谜团,因此寻机出逃自己调查,然而正当谜底快要揭开之时再度陷入绝境